South Carolina
Color the Concepts Calendar Contest
April 4, 2025
Color the Concepts Calendar Contest
Students in grades K-8 are challenged with illustrating one of ten concepts which are outlined in the South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
Opportunity Cost
Needs and Wants
Consumers and Producers
Goods and Services
Productive Resources
Specialization and Trade
Saving and Spending
In order to be judged, entries must be in compliance with all of the following rules. All entries must:
Be original and hand-drawn horizontally on an 8½" x 11" sheet of white paper or created digitally featuring 50% or more original art
Be in color – not black and white
Include all lettering in black and all artwork outlined in black
Be an illustration of one of the ten economics or personal finance concept categories listed on this website
Include text and art work at least ½" from all edges of the paper
Print the economic/personal finance concept(s) illustrated in large letters at the top of the page and make sure the words are spelled correctly.
Submit only one entry per student
Include only one completed entry form for each teacher submitting entries
Submit the following information by lightly taping a separate piece of paper or 3 x 5 index card on the back of each poster (no paper clips): student name and grade level, teacher’s full name, school name, and school district
16 winners and their teachers will receive $25 in cash!
Illustrations will be published in the Color the Concepts Calendar!